Monday, January 16, 2012

First Flight

I did it. I did what every teenager longs to do. What teenagers revel in, what they wait years for, what they suffer almost endless trials and tests for. I got my license. Of course, I am about nine months over due for upgrading from permit to license- but I'm not focusing on that! I'm focusing on this moment. This freedom and sense of success that I have so painfully earned with near-death experiences and scary moments with sassy DMV workers. I can go anywhere (in the tri-county area... when my mom isn't using the car), do anything (that I couldn't do without my mother in the car), see anyone at anytime ( as long as those people don't live far enough that I need money for gas and it's before curfew)! Such power, freedom! I'm almost to adulthood. I suppose I'll be needing a job soon to pay for gas for when the car becomes mine... And the car does need a new timing belt... And the car does get pretty dirty pretty fast. What am I saying? WHO CARES? All that matters right now is that when I want ice cream at nine thirty at night and my mother doesn't feel like getting up, I CAN GET MY ICECREAM. I'll have to pay for it myself then... but again, who cares? We all pay prices for things we want in life, or at least adults do. And I'm halfway there. I guess.

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